
Wednesday, 13 December 2017

A Special Visit

                 The Summer Learning Journey for NEXT Foundation from Next Foundation on Vimeo.

Today the NEXT Foundation came to our school Assembly to lunch The Summer learning Journey. Rachael Williams. This program starts in the summer holidays, the program has a lot of activity's for students ranging from year levels from 4-8. The NEXT Foundation has made a mini movie with our school Daniel was the main star in the movie but there were other students from LS2 that were featured. The movie was about the previous Summer Learning Journey and how Daniel was completing the activities. After our special school assembly The NEXT Foundation provide us with a nice lunch.  

Screencastify - Christmas in South Africa

This week LS2 is learning about how to work as a team and how to work collaboratively. We discussed about different countries who celebrate Christmas. We were spilited into groups and had to choose a country that we would like to research about Christmas. We decided to research about Christmas in South Africa. We learnt a lot of new things about how people celebrate Christmas in different ways. We also learnt that Geseende Kersfees means Merry Christmas in South Africa. The thing we found interesting was that people in South Africa eat turkey and duck for Christmas meals. Above shows you our DLO about Christmas in South Africa and we made a screencastify to record our thinking about Christmas in South Africa.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Google Game - Coding

This morning LS2 went on google and played the new google game. The game involved coding. We were making the bunny go in specific directions. We were inserting arrows and different types of codes into the coding bar to make the bunny move. The game had a tutorial at the beginning to give us an idea on how to code. 

Monday, 4 December 2017

Maths drawing

Today we did  a cool graph, it is hard it got easier. We used coordinates to draw a dog picture. We used the ladder rule, the ladder rule is easy, first you always walk across and then climb up the ladder.

Tech Reflection

Every week, on a Friday morning the year sevens and eights go to Tamaki College for tech. So far this year, we have had three rotations. For the year eights, our rotations were (In this order), Food tech, graphics and hard materials. In food tech, we learnt to cook and we made some amazing things like chocolate truffles and quiches. In graphics we designed and painted our own clock and in hard materials we made our own stained glass design. A big thanks to the three teachers that taught us: Mrs Heka (Food tech), Ms Ferguson (Graphics) and Mr Grundy (Hard materials).

Hazel Informing us About the Next Summer Learning Journey

For Assembly on Friday we had a visitor. The visitor was Hazel to inform us about how the Summer Learning Journey is coming up soon. The Summer Learning journey is a program that is held over the summer holidays. The program contains a lot of activities. We found out that it starts on 18th of December and ends on the 26th of January. Another thing we found out was that the year 8s that are going to move onto college are welcome to participate and if they win, their prize will be sent to their secondary school. It is very beneficial if we take part in this program because when school starts again you will come back smarter.

Robotics - Tamaki collage

Last week on Friday after our normal tech sessions, we got split into three groups. The groups were Robotics with Mr Dunn, Social Science with Ms Apelu and PE with Mr Moyes. I was in the robotics group. There were 12 people in robotics and were put into groups of 3. Two groups were programming on the Mbot and the other two were programming on the Mdrone. I was in the Mbot group. We had to challenge the other group programming the Mbot by making the Mbot do a figure 8. At first my group found this very complicated. When we had to leave max did a hack and then we could control the Mbot with the keys. We then made some progress towards our challenge.