This year is Panmure Bridge's 60th year. There were a lot of items to perform. I was in I See Red and the Pasifika group. I was very nervous on both of the items, especially for footloose because we go to fast and mucks it up at the end. I think I performed really well for footloose but I think I could do better for Kapa Haka. I am proud to be in this School and be able to celebrate this year by performing in a production.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
The Princess Bride - Character Introduction
A couple of weeks ago LS2 did media study on The Princess Bride. After we had finished we had to make a DLO about it. I choose to do the introduction for the characters. One thing I found out was the introduction for Fezzik, inigo and Vizzini, were that they were exactly the same and there wasn't much for their introduction.
Kiwi Can
Today LS2 went to Kiwi Can. During Kiwi Can we played three games which was Hand Soccer, 10 down and Objects. In Hand Soccer we were first splited into two groups. We each given numbers from 1 to 13. Mr Malo had to call out two numbers and those two numbers had to try and get a goal between the two cones with their hands. It was a very challenging games because we had to use our hand to get the goal. My favourite game was Objects because it was a very creative game. In this game we were splited into four teams. Mr Malo and Mrs Latoia had to put an object in the middle and each group had to figure out anything to do with that object for example one of the objects was a hula hoop. What my group did with it was pretending it was a basketball hoop. I think LS2 could play this game again.
Inter-school Cross Country
On Wednesday, the year 3-8 students who came first, second and third from the school cross country went down to Bailey Road for the inter-school cross country. Since I am a year eight, I had to do four laps of the course. The other two boys from Panmure Bridge that were racing with me were AJ and Daniel. At the end of the race we were all really exhausted. We all managed to do decent in the race as we all came in the top ten (Out of about thirty). More importantly, we all had a lot of fun.
Cross Country
Last Thursday Panmure Bridge went to Dunkirk Park to have our school cross country. Boys and girls went one at a time and everyone ran in their year groups except for the senior classes. I was in a race with year seven and eights. We had to run five laps of the course. In my race the top three year seven boys and the top three year eight boys would go to the inter-school cross country.
Monday, 25 September 2017
What Is A Coalition
Today we have been following the election results and what a coalition is and how it can affect the government. We had some questions that we had to answer. At the end of the task everyone in our group had to know what a coalition was. I was working with Miki, Josh S, Syils and Freeman.
Election 2017,
Te Wai
Monday, 18 September 2017
Ebook day

Today is world e-book day and to celebrate I read an e-book called Worriers into the wild. This book is about cats that are fighting for their territory there is a thunder clan and a river clan. If you want to see what other turn of events happen in this book you can find this book in the Tamaki overdrive library which is home to many books and you are sure to find what you are looking for.
Read an E-Book day website. Link #EBOOKLOVE
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Say it Tika
Today I have went the say it tika website and I pinned 3 places that I think need a little more help with the saying of the word. I have picked one of my pines, and this place is Onehunga. I think that this will help the people from vodafone.
Say it Tika
Friday, 8 September 2017
Today was the second week of our new rotation. Our tech teacher Mr Grundy got us to cut glass with this material that is called diamante. Mr Grundy taught us some really important things that we should not do with glass. One of them is not to wipe glass of the table with your hands. Then he taught us how to cut glass with the diamante. He said. You need to push your hand hard with the diamante onto the glass to break it, but you can use a ruler to keep the cut straight. I tried and it was really difficult to do.
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Tamaki Overdrive
This is a book about a cat and he is watching the thunder clan and the river clan fight for land. After a long fought battle the river clan was victorious and the thunder clan retreated. As the river clan went to celebrate there win a grey cat lay there in the field staring at the night sky. A tortoise shell cat emerges and the grey cat asks if there warriors are okay which they were luckily. This is a book I found in the Tamaki overdrive which is Tamaki colleges own online library. We were exploring the new books that tamaki overdrive have and the thing I enjoy about this is that we can read any book that we want without the hassle of visiting the library.
Kiwi Can Taking risks
Today at Kiwi Can we learnt about taking and to start the session we did an energise which was bip bop bounce it's hard to explain but basically you have to say bang when he says bounce and if you say bounce if he only says bip or bip bop than you are out and you can also get out for being to slow. We also did an activity which was called hand soccer in this activity we played soccer with our hands except that everyone had to touch the ball before you could score and you could only use hands instead of feet we took risks by relying on each other and passing the ball around and there was a risk that the other team could get the ball and score for themselves
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
Bullying Animation
For this task we had to create a animation about bullying. First we talked about standing up and speaking out when this happens to you or anybody. We also talked about using our WITS and being good role models. I was working with Sylis, Harlem and CJ.
learning to use synonyms
Today we learnt about synonyms, synonyms is a word that means the same for example mistake and fail. We had to do a DLO about the words we had to search for the words on the google dictionary. San Kyaw and I had fun searching for the words and trying new ways to make our writing better.
Friday, 1 September 2017
Year 8 Tamaki Collage
Today the year 8’s went to Tamaki College to learn about what it is like at college. Before we started we did our usual tech classes and had our first session with Mr Grundy about making stained glass. After tech we had our morning tea and after that we went to maths with Mr Jones. We played battleships, it was fun. Then we went to science with Mr Stoddard and learnt about static electricity and how negative and positive charges can attract and detract. When there are two opposite charges they attract and when there are two of the same charge they try and get away from each other we had an example of this when Lyndon was touching static electricity his hair was starting to stick up. When that was finished we had Subway for lunch which was delicious. After lunch we went to English with Mr Stevenson where we had to memorise 10 words and get the corresponding pictures and finally we went to PE Mr Moyes and we played turbo touch. Thank you Tamaki Collage for a great day of learning and fun.
Tamaki Collage,
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